Caveat Emptor

For our new readers, I'd like to add a caveat - please take note that this is not our website. This is our office blog. We do not conduct official business here, and lawyers are allowed to be frivolous or vexatious or even silly - it is what makes us human after all.

If you are a client and you have googled us to get here, don't panic ok.  We are professionals but we don't see why you need to be lectured to in our free time ;)

And no, we don't see ourselves setting up a website anytime soon. We've got too much work to do, without having to maintain a website, and really, our clients know who we are, and how to contact us...

Further, please do take note that all statements made here by the various authors of this blog - are strictly their own opinions, and do not reflect statements by the Firm, unless expressly stated otherwise.


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