Update for the month of May and June...

Firstly, i have passed my exam and have started chambering. Secondly, i guess you all would be eager to know about the progress of our "Lose It and Maintain It" competition, well it is safe to say that everyone is very much not making any progress at it but yet refusing to admit it. kgs is basically blaming it on weighing scale each and every time. mm is refusing to weigh herself. As for myself, i have thrown in the towel. The situation is more or less the same for the other people who have agreed to take part in the competition.

The firm will having another chambering student on 25th June 2007. Sg will updating you all on it very soon.

G has been coming to the office often as it was school holiday for 1 week in june. It is needless to say, the rest of the part as you would have already know how it is to have G in the office.

kgs's hair looks much better now as she has straightened it.


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