the ffooo

Word of the Day People:


can be used in context of "such blatant disregard to" etc. it's a lovely word, and you can use it all day, on everybody today, because i am telling you to do it. Do not blatanty ignore the word of the day - OR you shall suffer the consequence of such blatant disregard (hee hee hee)

Next, we have a quiz:

who is missing today and why is he missing? was it because he blatantly ignored kavitha's sound advice? i'm afraid you have to scroll down to the bottom of the page for the answer... such is life when you are a quiz...

Today has been brought to you by the numbers 4 and 10, and by the letters S, O, M and E, which Gitanjali can read as "some". So would you if only you had not blatantly ignored your spelling lessons...

Clue to the quiz: some of us have been blatantly struck down by a terrible cold virus. Ith ith maggith uths thpeaksh dike dish...

puasa month is here (in fact it has been here for some 10 days now) and this means that we get to pig out every afternoon on buka puasa goodies... which we are diligently doing.

Further and without prejudice to the foregoing, we have as an office, vowed to abstain from coffee, tea and all other sugared beverages, excluding green tea, in a desperate attempt to shed the extra kilos we seem to have piled on this last few months.

that's all for today folks.

answer to the quiz: shan is missing, due to an unexpected encounter with the flu (or rather "fffoo", according to shan). the advice he so blatantly ignored, was kavi telling him not to take any iced drinks or ice... so apparently he deserves every bit of his ffooo...

Three cheers for you if you got it right. We're proud of you.


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