Chambee no more
With effect from 17th September I am no longer a chambee - rather as MS puts it 'now not even have a status'! Therefore now it is the time to scramble to file the papers and forms - then of course, the inevitable long wait for the Call. What does it mean - no longer a chambee? Is this the time to reflect on the past or to focus what tomorrow will bring? Do I want a tomorrow? I feel like the wise guy of yore who wanted to talk about kings and cabbages for want of something to think about. I am at the proverbial 'cross-roads'.
I know that compared to most of my chambee friends I have been most lucky. I had the advantage of so much teaching from real lawyers. I have had a 'giving' environment to work in. I thank MS, SG, MM, Kgs and Shan for all the help during this training period. I have learnt much about people relationships from Gitanjali. Watching her 'herd' the people in the office is a major education. She is so little and she already knows that more ants are caught with 'honey' and not the proverbial hammer. Great kid - sure to go places. God Bless her and watch over her.
Anyway back to the continuing saga of the filing of my papers. This is definitely Murphy's law here. Anything that can go wrong and delayed is happening. First it was the fact that I had no 'ethics'; then Bar Committee had not acted on my refrees' list since January '06! after that Bar Council had not got round to checking with my University; then they are not getting the Uni's fax number and email address right. Sigh! - so another and yet another week goes by. Oh where, oh where has my calling date gone?
Suddenly I am anxious about so many things . Almost everyday Kgs threatens to object to my call. I guess it would not be so bad if she did - it is not like she will be killing my career - only asking me to make alternative choices. For me - it would be choices... I am resilient. But then, am I so 'blatantly cacat' that I want to be shot down now? Much is being made of the 'word' of the week. Perhaps this needs more thinking. As I said earlier, again it is all about kings and cabbages and my Call.