my holiday: one word

my holiday in one word:



Unknown said…
Just stumbled upon ur blog. Nice one. Keep up the good job.

Happy holidays to u.
sri said…
thanks pushpa. happy holidays to you. shall count you in among one of our adoring fans then, ok...
Anonymous said…
hey how long did it take you to get this done babe? You are suppose to be working at the office not updating your blog....i tell you wait till i inform the partners about your work ethics....oops you are one of the partners.

must say though u have done a superb job on it!

ps. you sure you and gorgeous G actually touched the insect...i have my doubts!
sri said…
oy - no slander ok. we touched it... albeit briefly (and admittedly we ran away a bit after touching it - but we came back and looked at it again)
Anonymous said…
take my hat off! ok will take your word that u guys did touch it albeit briefly....i know i would not have...there is a reason why i'm your friend.

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