Happy Labour Day

Ms is looking for sponsors for his upcoming rolex watch. So far kalai has been the only volunteer. In the circumstances, we’ve decided to volunteer you, and winners shall be chosen by lucky draw… heads up. Speaking of lucky draws, kavi has submitted in her entries to win the car in nst’s spot the difference contest… can already smell the plastic on that gen-2… will keep you updated on that. kavi and ms have also resolved to win some world cup tie-in competition...

Tomorrow is our pre-labour day potluck party – theme is Hawaiian – and food list is too long. Shall do postmortem next week

tommorow is also avinash's 30th day prayers. we all miss mehala v. much... can't really believe that a month has flown past so fast...

Sunday is Akshaya Tritiya, which is the day when we annually buy gold - for us and everyone in the office.. so yay!

monday is of course, labour day, which has been celebrated for aeons and is in memory of trade union struggles for an 8 hour work day.

we are mostly in our blue t-shirts today (it being friday) - all except pramo who is in the black t-shirt

lunch was annan's food and ice-cream. no further news really except that tomorrow is also the last day of shan's exams, so it looks like we might see more of him soon..

Happy Labour Day everyone, and may your weekend be as fun as ours promises to be.

Words of wisdom for today (stolen from somewhere obviously):

"What God brings you to, God brings you through"


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