recent keyword activities

okay, guess what? this is an experiment. according to google, if we do this we should see some fun. let's check out what happens when a chambering student tries to apply for a jo in a prestigious law firm in kuala lumpur (hello, that's us...). as an advocate and solicitor, should i tell them that we are a tad bit zany? how about the nuclear explosion in the republic of brickfields? what do you think about that? i feel that the best cheesecake is an uncomplicated one. something very cheesy, with not too many fruits or blueberries on it...the haze in kuala lumpur is falling mainly on the plain, and i wish some of it would disperse. shall continue tomorrow. have to run away and be a lawyer. employment law la la la. anyway a recent keyword activity report suggests certain drastic action, and this was it...if you didn't know, a dead fish is a happy fish. if you have already settled the same, please disregard this notice.


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