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Tembak #2!!

  On 31 st March 2024 I reached for my newspaper, as usual, when I woke up. The headline on the front page read, “Violence Has No Place in Our Country.” I have no interest in commenting on front-page headlines. However, when I flipped to page 10, I read an article titled “ FiveRobbers Killed in a Shootout .” I thought to myself - what a Sunday morning! The front page preaches against violence, yet page 10 narrates the deaths of five individuals in a shootout.  On the 8 th of February 2012, I wrote this post titled“TEMBAK!!! ”. It discussed the widespread shooting of citizens by our law enforcement agencies during that period. It appears that police engagements with robbers or suspicious characters via shootouts remain a norm in our country. In all these "tembak-tembak" incidents, no police officer is reported to have been shot dead (I stand to be corrected). Either the victims are unfamiliar with firearms or they don’t know how to shoot them. In opposition, our enforcement

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